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create a page using vitepress

To have your own vitepress blog running on in no time, follow these easy steps:

Create a new repo

Inside your own github account, create a new repo called where username is your actual github username. This is important, since otherwise repos page wont be deployed to the root folder of the subdomain.

Create your vitepress blog

Follow vitepress' getting started guide and set up your vitepress project

Change the build command

In your package.json file, change

"build": "vitepress build",


"build": "vitepress build --outDir _site",

This is required for the deployment action to work.

Create the workflow file

Create a new file in your repo called .github/workflows/main.yml and paste the contents of this file into it.

It's based on github's basic jekyll workflow, but instead of building a jekyll site, it builds and deployes a vitepress site.

Change your repo settings

In your repo, go to Settings -> Pages and set the Source to Github Actions. Then click Save.

Push your changes

Push your changes to github and wait for the action to finish. After that, your vitepress blog should be available at

Final words

The workflow will work for any nodeish static site generator, the important bit is the call to npm run build and that the output is generated into in the _site folder.