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vitepress-copy-helper - A simple copy button helper for VitePress

See vitepress-copy-helper's readme for installation and configuration instructions.

Below are some examples of how to use the component in your vitepress markdown files.


Positioning Buttons relative to code-blocks


The button is rendered on the inside of the code block in order of occurence.

You can force the button to be rendered on a specific side by setting the position prop to start or end:


In the examples above, the natural order of the button is reversed by setting the position prop.

Default behaviour can be changed globally by setting the position default setting to start or end.

Selecting code-block targets


The button attaches itself to the previous code-sibling by default. This can be changed on a per-button basis by setting the target prop to next:


The button is attached to the next code-sibling. The first button is rendered at the start of the code block, because it uses implicit position="auto" and is attached from the left.

By default, a button wedged between two code-nodes is attached to the previous code-sibling. This can be changed globally by changing the preferSibling default setting to next.

Labels and Messages


The button label can be set by using the label prop or by using the default slot, although the label prop takes precedence over the default slot.

Also, using the prop does not pollute the source markdown, so it's recommended to use the label prop.

Labels are very useful to provide context on where to paste the copied content.

As demonstrated in the last example, you can reference the copied content by using the $CONTENT placeholder in the message prop.

Both label and message props can be set globally by changing the label and message default settings. This is useful if you want to translate the button label and message.

Standalone Buttons


Standalone buttons can be created by including the content prop. This is useful if you want to create a button that is not attached to a code block.

If you omit the content prop, the button will not be rendered. position and target props have no effect on standalone buttons.

Clicking this button loads third-party content from and